where are the printer drivers?

max m stalnaker astar at spamcop.net
Wed Oct 19 05:17:22 PDT 2011

> Do you mean for existing printers or for the "model" types you can select when building a new printer?

I believe I am thinking of an existing printer.  It is true I have an existing printer, laserjet.  It is true that modifying it gives me suspicions about the current socket connection.  And the discovered printer looks quite attractive.  Going that way gives me the unable to get list of printer drivers and the internal server error message.

At one point, I was getting a lot of wrong format messages for print jobs and this did tend to cause me to worry about drivers.
> > So I have a openbsd 5.0 i386 current and a fresh cups 1.5 and I seem to have let my cupsd.conf get overwritten.  Then I had authentication problems and I scrubbed require and auth out so I was at default anonymous.  Now I get the message that I cannot find the list of printer drivers.  I bet life would be better if I changed the permissions on those files.  I wonder where they are.  Or perhaps I am off looking at this wrongly.  Perhaps I should do a find on *.ppd?.
> >
> > thank you.
> >
> >

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