[cups.general] USB Printer

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Thu Sep 29 16:55:37 PDT 2011

The Belkin USB-to-parallel converter you are using is probably not fully implementing the USB Printer class, or is otherwise incompatible with the libusb-based USB backend.  We have a bug tracking this:


On Sep 29, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:

> I'm attempting to configure a USB printer. Is it correct that the Add Printer dialog should have USB as a Local Printers option? I ask because although the printer is on and connected, the dmesg output when the printer is connected shows usb 2-1: Manufacturer: Belk USB Printing Support, which is correct, as there's a parallel-to-usb converter on the line. Now the usblp driver is started, so I'm assuming that the kernel figures out that there's a printer there, but CUPS does not.
> So if my assumption that CUPS should give a USB option, is there any was to encourage it to do so?
> Thanks.
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Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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