Is there a way to get the originating hostname or IP into the Jobs Web GUI?

Peter Schwenk schwenk at
Fri Aug 24 13:15:21 PDT 2012

> I am using the version of CUPS that comes with Mac OS X Snow Leopard which is 1.4.7.  I am using a Mac as a print server of sorts.  I have a bunch of Epson large format inkjet printers connected to the Mac via USB.  I am sharing the printers.
> Printing seems to work fine, but I am holding all jobs so that print operator can release them.  The problem is that in the CUPS web gui (and the Mac print queue GUI) there is no indication of from which host the print jobs originated.  In this situation, I need to know from which computer the jobs originate so that the print operator can release the correct jobs (people pay for the print outs before the jobs are released).
> I was looking in the cupsd.conf man page and saw the PageLogFormat option, but that only affects the page_log file.  Interestingly enough, on the print server (the machine the printers are directly connected to via USB) the page_log is not populating with entries at all.  It would be nice to know what pages are being printed through the server.
> Anyway, if someone has an idea of how to get the originating host name in the web gui for jobs, that would be great.  Thanks for your consideration.

I'm going to reply to this myself as I received an answer via email and someone might want to know the answer that I used.

It turns out that the template for the web page for the jobs listing is /usr/share/cups/template/jobs.tmpl and can be modified to add the {job_originating_host_name} variable.  If you look at the template, it's fairly obvious where to edit the table header and row.

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