Need to add a filter for barcode software

Paul Conklin paul.conklin at
Mon Jan 23 11:59:28 PST 2012

I had to do something similar.  For the sake of time, I'll assume you understand how to do the ppd and MIME stuff to get it to actually hit your filter.

here's a mockup


if [[ "$CONTENT_TYPE" = "text/plain" ]]
        full\path\ontap_ohplaser.exe $6 $TMPDIR/$6.$$.tmp
        cat $TMPDIR/$6.$$.tmp
        /bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/$6.$$.tmp
        cat $6

> Hello All,
>    I am migrating our printers from HP-UX to Linux. On my HP-UX server I have a barcode product called On-Tap. To properly use that software which generates the actual barcode information. I need to insert the filter that the ontap product uses so that I can print to the device and it has all the necessary information.
> I am trying to figure out how to add this filter to CUPS.
> Basically how it works is this to do it manually you would use the following command:
> ontap_ohplaser.exe < txt_file_barcode > output.file
> lp -d destination output.file
> thanks for any help offered...

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