ipptool use with Secure IPP

Kevin McVey kevin.mcvey1 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 13:00:28 PDT 2012

Hi All,
  I've beeno using the ipptool to do some robust testing of my Secure IPP functionality. I've learned that the ipptool has the ability to communicate to a secured printer by passing along the proper credentials within the printer uri: ipp://user:password@...

I'm having some trouble, however, when validating these credentials from the printer side. It seems like the ipptool first attempts to connect to the printer without the specified credentials, hoping that they are not necessary. This query has the printer respond with an "Client-Error-Not-Authorized" message. After a predetermined number of unauthorized queries, the printer locks the user out and continually sends back "Client-Error-Not-Authorized" messages on requests that have legitimate credentials. In many of my tests, I've observed that the ipptool will continue to query the printer after receiving the error message, which starts a series of unauthorized request/response packets until the printer lock-out ends.

My question is this, would there be a way to force the ipptool to use the credentials first or simply not query the printer without credentials?


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