HostNameLookups Double

Nuzhna Pomoshch nuzhna_pomoshch at
Fri May 4 21:41:53 PDT 2012

> > I have tried using this option (with a cupsd.conf that lists servers by
> > name), but it it seems to break things.
> >
> > First /var/log/cups/error.log fills up with:
> >
> > W [30/Apr/2012:00:00:00 +0000] IP lookup failed - connection from localhost closed!
> Your hosts file and/or DNS is not configured properly.

The hosts file seems pretty hard to screw up.

It consists of:       localhost
::1             localhost

followed by other static IPs on the network.

> "Double" means that a lookup of the loopback address ( or ::1)
> needs to return "localhost" and a lookup of "localhost" needs to return one
> of the same addresses that came in.

Seems to do that.

$ host localhost
localhost has address
localhost has IPv6 address ::1

$ host domain name pointer localhost.

> Often a DNS server or hosts file is misconfigured to redirect localhost to a
> different address or the loopback interface addresses to a real hostname,
> which will break the "double" lookup.

I don't believe that is happening in this case.

> Feel free to file a bug requesting that we log the values we got to help
> with debugging these kinds of issues:

Will do that.

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