Images are not printed

Debian Flo debianflo at
Mon May 7 13:05:35 PDT 2012

On 05/05/12 04:38, Paul Conklin wrote:
> If you kick the log level up to debug, you can see the filters it
> calls.  I suspect it's calling pstopdf not ps2pdf.  the filters are
> usually in /usr/lib/cups/filters (going from memory so that might not
> be 100%)  You can put a softlink to ps2pdf in the filters directory
> and either alter the PDF or the MIME mappings to make it go through
> that filter if it works instead.

Now I turned on debugging. I found interesting things.

..) Some of the .ps files are identified as file type
application/postscript and some as application/pdf .

..) To have all the 'application/postscript' files printed I finally
found an ugly solution. In the last line of
/usr/lib/cups/filters/pstopdf I inserted: 'ps2pdf - - | pdf2ps - - |'.
Now it looks like:

cat "$infile" | $DRMFILTER | ps2pdf - - | pdf2ps - - | $GS
$PS2PDF_OPTIONS $donumcopies $ppd_opts -sOutputFile=- $OPTIONS -c
..setpdfwrite -f -

..) Files of type application/pdf use pdftopdf and this is a binary file
where I can't add some commands. So I am stuck now.

..) Postscript files are converted to PDF and then they seems to be
converted back to Postscript before they are written in pxlmono (or

All that shows me that my tries to solve the problem leaded to nowhere.
I still know what's the real cause nor how cups really works.

Could someone help me, please.



PS: I can provide the log files on request, I just don't want to fload
the newsgroup here.

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