Is there a way to password protect the website,but not print requests?

Paul Conklin paul.conklin at
Fri Feb 8 13:37:07 PST 2013

I can protect against that via my filters, what I don't want to do is open up the WI to the world, just the ability to print. then my filters will determine if it passes to the printer or not.
> Hello,
> On Jan 30 13:52 Paul Conklin wrote (excerpt):
> > I plan on exposing my server to the internet
> > via port forwarding on port 631.
> > I want the CUPS WI to prompt for a username / PW,
> > but not when i submit a job.
> Could this mean that there is no good protection when
> print jobs are submitted?
> If yes, it could result that arbitrary print job data can be
> submitted to your printers (e.g. by using the "-o raw" option
> when the print job is submitted).
> As far as I know at least some printers support firmware update
> by sending them special data in the same way as ordinary printing
> data. Who can change a printer's firmware can hijack the printer.
> Nowadays network printers are also real computers with full
> network capabilities. Someone who controls a network printer
> controls a printing unit plus a computer with network access.
> (Google for "network printer security risk").
> Therefore it is crucial to limit access to network printer
> devices to trusted users.
> You may also have a look at
> Kind Regards
> Johannes Meixner
> --
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH -- Maxfeldstrasse 5 -- 90409 Nuernberg -- Germany
> HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendoerffer

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