[cups] Custom backend does not show in lpinfo -v

Helge Blischke helgeblischke at web.de
Wed Dec 10 09:32:36 PST 2014


I have home-grown backends in CUPS versions 1.3.11, 1.5.3, 1.7.2, and 2.0.0. All are listed by lpinfo -v.
Perhaps you could switch your cups to debug-logging, run lpinfo -v and post (an URL to) the error_log then?


> Am 10.12.2014 um 16:21 schrieb Mihaela Gaspar <mgaspar at graphicproducts.com>:
> I am trying to create a custom backend, using the "educational backend":
> https://community.kde.org/Printing/Developer_Tools#.272dir.27_CUPS_backend_script_.28Bash_code.29
> (either "2file" or "2dir")
> I copied the contents of the file "2dir" and "2file" to
> /usr/lib/cups/backend/
> I set correct permissions (experimented with everything from 700 to 555 to 755, right now 755). Unfortunately
>    lpinfo -v
> does not list either backend.
> What could be the problem ?
> I checked for line endings:
>    file 2dir
>    2dir: UTF-8 Unicode English text
> (because I converted it using "dos2unix")
> The scripts are exactly as shown on the given site - they have the "backend discovery mode".
> I tried restarting cups (though the site tells me I shouldn't need to)
> I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and will also have to use this on Mac OS X 10-6-10.9... I imagine once it works on one it will work on both.
> What can I try, how do I make this work ?
> Thank you
> Note to moderators: I have sent this before I joined the cups mailing list (I had joined the cups-devel list and did not realize the target for my question is user). I have not received anything including a copy of my post or some sort of confirmation, that is why I am sending it again, I imagine previous e-mail was discarded.
> I truly hope that someone can help me with this, it is such a simple procedure that I can't see what I could be doing wrong.
> Thank you very much
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