[cups] Only able to print from CUPS web interface ("filter failed" error otherwise)

Helge Blischke helgeblischke at web.de
Mon Nov 10 07:08:04 PST 2014


> Am 10.11.2014 um 15:17 schrieb Mario Sanchez Prada <mario at endlessm.com>:
> Hi,
> I realized of that when reading through pdftops.c, but then checking the
> logs I noticed that this line:
> nov 05 20:52:08 localmachine cupsd[3146]: [Job 56] Running command line
> for gs: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ps2write
> -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false
> -dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE -c 'save pop' -f
> /var/spool/cups/tmp/00d6c54692e8a
> ...seems to suggest that the 'renderer == GS' is being used, right?
> Thanks,
> Mario

That’s strange. I have a gs 9.07, compiled from the sources, running on on Mac OS X as well as 9.10 and some other versions
but couldn’t provoke a similar error.
Could you post (an URL to) the intermediate PDF like /var/spool/cups/tmp/00d6c54692e8a?
You’d stop the printer before printing the respective page to catch that file before it gets deleted again (as superuser)



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