[cups] Job status in the log

Alex Korobkin korobkin+cups at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 12:40:54 PDT 2014

Hi all,

It is more like a feature request. Currently CUPS reports every printed
page to the PageLog, and every failed job to ErrorLog with all the details.
This setup makes it quite hard to gather statistics of how many jobs were
printed successfully, and what is the percentage of failed ones across
multiple print-servers.

Wouldn't it be nice if a summary of every job was added to ErrorLog
regardless of whether it was successful or failed? Just one line, and only
of LogLevel is at info, because it is a useful info.

The status line format can be similar to PageLog one:
printer-name username #id date/time total-pages total-size ip-address
job-title job-result last-message-if-failed

job-result: completed, cancelled, purged, etc.
last-message-if-failed -- "Filter failed", "The printer is not
responding.", ...


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