[cups] gs crashes, printing fails. How to report properly?

Paolo Bolzoni paolo.bolzoni.brown at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 02:34:45 PDT 2015

Dear list,

My system lost the ability to print most of the files, check the cups
log I can find lines like:

D [24/Mar/2015:07:58:30 +0100] [Job 12] Running command line for gs:
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout
-dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT
-dNOINTERPOLATE -c 'save pop' -f /var/spool/cups/tmp/03ce45514d3fc
D [24/Mar/2015:07:58:30 +0100] [Job 12] PID 15592 (gs) crashed on signal 11!

That I guess is not expected, I'd like to post this problem to the gs
mailing list.
It is possible to keep a copy of the spool cups file with ease?

Or should  I do something else? Thanks!

Yours faithfully,

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