[cups] Cups / CentOS-6

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Fri Oct 9 00:38:59 PDT 2015


On Oct 2 11:34 Joseph Henley wrote (excerpt):
> "/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertospl failed"

I neither have CentOS nor such a printer model.
Therefore only some general information:

It seems rastertospl is not free software
but from a proprietary driver from Samsung.

If this is correct:

In general regarding proprietary software:

For proprietary software nobody - except the authors or vendor
of the proprietary software - can provide any kind of help and
support because nobody - except the authors or vendor - know
how their proprietary software really works.

Therefore you can only contact those wherefrom you got the
proprietary software for any kind of help and support.

In general proprietary software is not bad only because
there could be bugs in it. Also free software has bugs.

What makes proprietary software bad in general is:
When there are issues with proprietary software,
nobody - except the authors or vendor of the proprietary
software - can provide real help because nobody - except
the authors or vendor - know how such software really works.

"... You may Google for 'linux printer driver setuid root' ..."

For the fun of it with proprietary printer driver software
try the above Googling for
   samsung linux printer driver setuid root

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX GmbH - GF: Felix Imendoerffer, Jane Smithard,
Graham Norton - HRB 21284 (AG Nuernberg)

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