[cups] CUPS 2.1.3 questions

Дмитрий Воронин carriingfate92 at yandex.ru
Fri Apr 22 01:45:59 PDT 2016


1. What are you mean about "bug in GNOME's printering support"?

>> OK, well, you are probably running into a bug in GNOME's printing support then...

And how can I solve it?

I'm sorry for that my attachment is missing.

I run those code:

    ipp_t *request = ippNewRequest( CUPS_GET_PRINTERS );

    ippAddString( request
                 , IPP_TAG_OPERATION
                 , IPP_TAG_KEYWORD
                 , "requested-attributes"
                 , NULL
                 , "printer-description"/*"all"*/ );
    ipp_t *responce = cupsDoRequest( &connection
                                   , request
                                   , "/" );
    for ( ipp_attribute_t *attribute = ippFirstAttribute( responce );
          attribute = ippNextAttribute( responce ) )
                /* get attribute and it's value */

And this it output:

Attribute name:  "attributes-charset" Group tag:  1
	 Value:  "utf-8"
Attribute name:  "attributes-natural-language" Group tag:  1
	 Value:  "ru-ru"
Attribute name:  "marker-change-time" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "printer-current-time" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  QDateTime(2016-04-21 08:32:32.000 MSK Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime))
Attribute name:  "printer-dns-sd-name" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  19
Attribute name:  "printer-icons" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "http://localhost/icons/510A-print.png"
Attribute name:  "printer-is-accepting-jobs" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  1
Attribute name:  "printer-is-shared" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "printer-more-info" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "http://localhost/printers/510A-print"
Attribute name:  "printer-state" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  3
Attribute name:  "printer-state-change-date-time" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  QDateTime(2016-04-21 04:25:40.000 MSK Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime))
Attribute name:  "printer-state-change-time" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  1461212740
Attribute name:  "printer-state-message" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  ""
Attribute name:  "printer-state-reasons" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "none"
Attribute name:  "printer-type" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  2097158
Attribute name:  "printer-up-time" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  1461227552
Attribute name:  "printer-uri-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "ipp://localhost/printers/510A-print"
Attribute name:  "queued-job-count" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "uri-authentication-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "requesting-user-name"
Attribute name:  "uri-security-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "none"
Attribute name:  "printer-name" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "510A-print"
Attribute name:  "printer-location" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "tyurin"
Attribute name:  "printer-geo-location" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  18
Attribute name:  "printer-info" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "510A_print @ tyurin"
Attribute name:  "printer-organization" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  ""
Attribute name:  "printer-organizational-unit" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  ""
Attribute name:  "printer-uuid" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "urn:uuid:4be5226d-79f9-388c-411f-515096a3a7a0"
Attribute name:  "job-quota-period" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "job-k-limit" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "job-page-limit" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  0
Attribute name:  "device-uri" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "ipp://tyurin.local:631/printers/510A_print"
Attribute name:  "printer-uri-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "ipp://tyurin.local:631/printers/510A_print"
Attribute name:  "document-format-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "application/g-code"
	 Value:  "application/octet-stream"
	 Value:  "application/pdf"
	 Value:  "application/postscript"
	 Value:  "application/rss+xml"
	 Value:  "application/sla"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.adobe-reader-postscript"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-banner"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-command"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-pdf"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-postscript"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-ppd"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-raster"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.cups-raw"
	 Value:  "application/vnd.makerbot-s3g"
	 Value:  "application/x-cshell"
	 Value:  "application/x-csource"
	 Value:  "application/x-perl"
	 Value:  "application/x-shell"
	 Value:  "image/gif"
	 Value:  "image/jpeg"
	 Value:  "image/png"
	 Value:  "image/pwg-raster"
	 Value:  "image/tiff"
	 Value:  "image/urf"
	 Value:  "image/x-alias"
	 Value:  "image/x-bitmap"
	 Value:  "image/x-icon"
	 Value:  "image/x-photocd"
	 Value:  "image/x-portable-anymap"
	 Value:  "image/x-portable-bitmap"
	 Value:  "image/x-portable-graymap"
	 Value:  "image/x-portable-pixmap"
	 Value:  "image/x-sgi-rgb"
	 Value:  "image/x-sun-raster"
	 Value:  "image/x-xbitmap"
	 Value:  "image/x-xpixmap"
	 Value:  "image/x-xwindowdump"
	 Value:  "model/amf"
	 Value:  "model/vnd.collada+xml"
	 Value:  "text/css"
	 Value:  "text/html"
	 Value:  "text/plain"
Attribute name:  "document-format-default" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "application/octet-stream"
Attribute name:  "printer-make-and-model" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "Remote Printer"
Attribute name:  "charset-configured" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "utf-8"
Attribute name:  "charset-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "us-ascii"
	 Value:  "utf-8"
Attribute name:  "compression-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "none"
	 Value:  "gzip"
Attribute name:  "generated-natural-language-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "ru-ru"
Attribute name:  "ipp-features-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "subscription-object"
Attribute name:  "ipp-versions-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "1.0"
	 Value:  "1.1"
	 Value:  "2.0"
	 Value:  "2.1"
Attribute name:  "ippget-event-life" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  15
Attribute name:  "job-creation-attributes-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "copies"
	 Value:  "finishings"
	 Value:  "ipp-attribute-fidelity"
	 Value:  "job-hold-until"
	 Value:  "job-name"
	 Value:  "job-priority"
	 Value:  "job-sheets"
	 Value:  "media"
	 Value:  "media-col"
	 Value:  "multiple-document-handling"
	 Value:  "number-up"
	 Value:  "output-bin"
	 Value:  "orientation-requested"
	 Value:  "page-ranges"
	 Value:  "print-color-mode"
	 Value:  "print-quality"
	 Value:  "printer-resolution"
	 Value:  "sides"
Attribute name:  "job-ids-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  1
Attribute name:  "job-k-octets-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  51
Attribute name:  "job-settable-attributes-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "copies"
	 Value:  "finishings"
	 Value:  "job-hold-until"
	 Value:  "job-name"
	 Value:  "job-priority"
	 Value:  "media"
	 Value:  "media-col"
	 Value:  "multiple-document-handling"
	 Value:  "number-up"
	 Value:  "output-bin"
	 Value:  "orientation-requested"
	 Value:  "page-ranges"
	 Value:  "print-color-mode"
	 Value:  "print-quality"
	 Value:  "printer-resolution"
	 Value:  "sides"
Attribute name:  "jpeg-k-octets-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  51
Attribute name:  "jpeg-x-dimension-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  51
Attribute name:  "jpeg-y-dimension-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  51
Attribute name:  "multiple-document-jobs-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  1
Attribute name:  "multiple-operation-time-out" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  300
Attribute name:  "multiple-operation-time-out-action" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "process-job"
Attribute name:  "natural-language-configured" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "ru-ru"
Attribute name:  "operations-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  2
	 Value:  4
	 Value:  5
	 Value:  6
	 Value:  8
	 Value:  9
	 Value:  10
	 Value:  11
	 Value:  12
	 Value:  13
	 Value:  16
	 Value:  17
	 Value:  18
	 Value:  19
	 Value:  20
	 Value:  21
	 Value:  22
	 Value:  23
	 Value:  24
	 Value:  25
	 Value:  26
	 Value:  27
	 Value:  28
	 Value:  34
	 Value:  35
	 Value:  37
	 Value:  38
	 Value:  56
	 Value:  57
	 Value:  59
	 Value:  16385
	 Value:  16386
	 Value:  16387
	 Value:  16388
	 Value:  16389
	 Value:  16390
	 Value:  16391
	 Value:  16392
	 Value:  16393
	 Value:  16394
	 Value:  16395
	 Value:  16396
	 Value:  16397
	 Value:  16398
	 Value:  16399
	 Value:  16423
	 Value:  14
	 Value:  20480
	 Value:  20481
Attribute name:  "pdf-k-octets-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value tag:  51
Attribute name:  "pdf-versions-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "adobe-1.2"
	 Value:  "adobe-1.3"
	 Value:  "adobe-1.4"
	 Value:  "adobe-1.5"
	 Value:  "adobe-1.6"
	 Value:  "adobe-1.7"
	 Value:  "iso-19005-1_2005"
	 Value:  "iso-32000-1_2008"
	 Value:  "pwg-5102.3"
Attribute name:  "pdl-override-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "attempted"
Attribute name:  "printer-get-attributes-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "document-format"
Attribute name:  "printer-settable-attributes-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "printer-geo-location"
	 Value:  "printer-info"
	 Value:  "printer-location"
	 Value:  "printer-organization"
	 Value:  "printer-organizational-unit"
Attribute name:  "which-jobs-supported" Group tag:  4
	 Value:  "completed"
	 Value:  "not-completed"
	 Value:  "aborted"
	 Value:  "all"
	 Value:  "canceled"
	 Value:  "pending"
	 Value:  "pending-held"
	 Value:  "processing"
	 Value:  "processing-stopped"
============================== (empty attribute name)

This output shows that the attribute "printer-uri-supported" occurs twice in one attribute group, which is contrary to your early reply.

Best regards, Dmitry Voronin

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