[cups] Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fw: Advice Needed

Matt Broughton walterwego at macosx.com
Sun Jun 19 09:11:09 PDT 2016

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Andrew <anon_private at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fw: [cups] Fwd: Fwd: Fw: Advice Needed
> Date: June 19, 2016 at 10:17:49 AM CDT
> To: "walterwego at macosx.com" <walterwego at macosx.com>
> Reply-To: Andrew <anon_private at yahoo.com>
> I registered before posting. How do I view my posts? I put my email address into the search user list box. I put ink levels into the box, but did not see my posts
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/$
> ls -a
> .   bin   cdrom  etc   initrd.img      lib         media  opt   root  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz
> ..  boot  dev    home  initrd.img.old  lost+found  mnt    proc  run   srv   tmp  var  vmlinuz.old
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/$ cd /dev
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/dev$ ls
> autofs           kmsg                ptmx    sda1      tty18  tty39  tty6       ttyS21   vcs2
> block            log                 pts     sda2      tty19  tty4   tty60      ttyS22   vcs3
> bsg              loop0               ram0    sda5      tty2   tty40  tty61      ttyS23   vcs4
> btrfs-control    loop1               ram1    sg0       tty20  tty41  tty62      ttyS24   vcs5
> bus              loop2               ram10   sg1       tty21  tty42  tty63      ttyS25   vcs6
> cdrom            loop3               ram11   shm       tty22  tty43  tty7       ttyS26   vcs7
> char             loop4               ram12   snapshot  tty23  tty44  tty8       ttyS27   vcsa
> console          loop5               ram13   snd       tty24  tty45  tty9       ttyS28   vcsa1
> core             loop6               ram14   sr0       tty25  tty46  ttyprintk  ttyS29   vcsa2
> cpu              loop7               ram15   stderr    tty26  tty47  ttyS0      ttyS3    vcsa3
> cpu_dma_latency  loop-control        ram2    stdin     tty27  tty48  ttyS1      ttyS30   vcsa4
> cuse             mapper              ram3    stdout    tty28  tty49  ttyS10     ttyS31   vcsa5
> disk             mcelog              ram4    tty       tty29  tty5   ttyS11     ttyS4    vcsa6
> dri              mem                 ram5    tty0      tty3   tty50  ttyS12     ttyS5    vcsa7
> ecryptfs         net                 ram6    tty1      tty30  tty51  ttyS13     ttyS6    vga_arbiter
> fd               network_latency     ram7    tty10     tty31  tty52  ttyS14     ttyS7    vhci
> fd0              network_throughput  ram8    tty11     tty32  tty53  ttyS15     ttyS8    vhost-net
> full             null                ram9    tty12     tty33  tty54  ttyS16     ttyS9    zero
> fuse             nvidia0             random  tty13     tty34  tty55  ttyS17     uhid
> hidraw0          nvidiactl           rfkill  tty14     tty35  tty56  ttyS18     uinput
> hidraw1          port                rtc     tty15     tty36  tty57  ttyS19     urandom
> hpet             ppp                 rtc0    tty16     tty37  tty58  ttyS2      vcs
> input            psaux               sda     tty17     tty38  tty59  ttyS20     vcs1
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/dev$ cd bus
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/dev/bus$ ls
> usb
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/dev/bus$ cd usb
> andrew at andrew-Dell-DM061:/dev/bus/usb$ ls
> 001  002  003  004  005  006  007

I would suggest you continue your quest for the right syntax on the appropriate list for your distribution.  I am a Mac OS X person and don't know enough about any particular Linux distro.

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