[cups] IP110 printer left margin too small Kubuntu 16.04

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Thu May 5 12:06:53 PDT 2016

Hans van der Leeuw schreef op 05-05-2016 20:52:
> Hello Xen,
> There is a lot of help available regarding LibreOffice (LO), also in 
> Dutch.
> Google is your friend; search for:
> libreoffice margins
> Suc6

I just told you I didn't need help with LibreOffice. I need help with 
everything else because I cannot always adjust margins, and if I do, I 
need to adjust them each and every time in the printer settings, which 
is often a guess.

Currently the best solution I have is to just send the output to PDF and 
then try to transform the PDF in case there is enough margins for that 
in the document (most notably the left margin of course, because it gets 

So what I mean is that I am now using:

gs \
   -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dSAFER \
   -dCompatibilityLevel="1.3" -dPDFSETTINGS="/printer" \
   -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true \
   -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile="out.pdf" \
   -c "<</BeginPage{21.5 0 translate}>> setpagedevice" \
   -f in.pdf

To shift my PDF 21.5 PS points to the right, and then it prints 
perfectly whatever program I am using without having to adjust the 
margins all the time, and based on math rather than good luck and 
endless retrying.

I am not sure it is going to work for Kate sources (imagine printing 
everything to PDF before you can actually print it) because Kate uses 
smaller margins to begin with, so I have experimentally determined that 
I need to set the left margin to 0.55" and the right I am not sure yet 
(something like 0.06"). But I might do the same for Kate as well.

It is not a real solution but at least it allows me to print without too 
much wasted time.

I think I will create a script called "shiftright.sh" that just takes an 
input parameter and then shifts it to the right and creates an 
$1-shifted.pdf as a result. Ideally maybe it would also send it directly 
to the printer.

Or just open it in Okular, that would be good too. Just trying to make a 
bad situation a bit less bad ;-).

My printer also doesn't remember margin settings (the software doesn't) 
so I need to do it in this way.

Regards, Bart.

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