[cups] LPD printer drops LPD chatting

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Wed Nov 22 11:08:23 PST 2017


I have a network printer which accepts jobs via LPD but drops the
chatting during the initial commands:

D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Wrote 1338 bytes of print data...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Read 55 bytes of print data...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Wrote 55 bytes of print data...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] STATE: +connecting-to-device
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Looking up ""...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Connecting to for printer 
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Mit Drucker verbinden …
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Mit Drucker verbunden …
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Connected to (IPv4) (local port 1022)...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command 02 
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Sending command string (2 bytes)...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Reading command status...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command returning 0
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Control file is:
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Hsunny1.local
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Psisis
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Jlp_3_3665_58
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] ldfA456sunny1.local
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] UdfA456sunny1.local
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Nlp_3_3665_58
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command 02 89 cfA456sunny1.local
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Sending command string (23 bytes)...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Reading command status...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command returning 0
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Steuerungsdatei senden (89 Byte)
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Steuerungsdatei erfolgreich übertragen
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command 03 394609 dfA456sunny1.local
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Sending command string (27 bytes)...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Reading command status...
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Set job-printer-state-message to "Entfernter Host hat nicht mit dem Befehlstatusbyte geantwortet nach 300 Sekunden!", current level=WARN
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] lpd_command returning 4
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] Backend returned status 1 (failed)
D [06/Nov/2017:13:04:07 +0100] [Job 191239] End of messages

What could be the reason for not answering the control commands? Sorry
for the German messages, but I think it's clear what they mean.

Btw: Why the backend lpd is using a local port below 1024?


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
8. Mai 1945: Wer nicht feiert hat den Krieg verloren.
8 de mayo de 1945: Quien no festeja perdió la Guerra.
May 8, 1945: Who does not celebrate lost the War.

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