[cups] cups-client - help needed

Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes narutospinal at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 07:00:51 PDT 2017

Well, my mini tutorial:


yum erase cups-*

yum install rpm-build gnutls-devel pam-devel dbus-devel avahi-devel
systemd-devel gcc gcc-c++ make

rpmbuild -ta --without libusb1 cups-2.2.3-source.tar.gz

yum -y install rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/cups-*.rpm

cups cups-debuginfo cups-devel cups-libs cups-lpd

echo "auth    required        pam_unix.so nodelay" > /etc/pam.d/cups
echo "account required        pam_unix.so" >> /etc/pam.d/cups
chmod 644 /etc/pam.d/cups

If have erros in cups, install package: "yum install cups-filters -y"

2017-09-27 23:22 GMT-03:00 Sharath Koochana <info at sindvinlabs.com>:

> When I try to install cups 2.2.4 on CentO it complains I have cups client
> 1.6 installed and need cups version 1.6 Can some one help me how to get
> cups version compatible with 2.2.4, even source code will do
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< Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao
Pai, senão por mim >
                                                             (João 14:6)

                                        ♪ ♫  Luiz Guilherme Nunes
Fernandes  ♫ ♪


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