[cups] doing things the "right" way

Matt Zagrabelny mzagrabe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 10:27:51 PDT 2023

Greetings CUPS!

I've always just hacked my way through CUPS and I'm installing a new Debian
system and would like to correctly configure my print server.

I have a router, DNS/DHCP, print server with a fqdn of zed.z.net, but I'd
like to configure CUPS from a client on the LAN, not the router itself.

I've configured cupsd.conf to have:

ServerAlias *

Is there a more elegant way than using a wildcard to allow me to browse to
CUPS without getting a "Bad request"?

and also cupsd.conf to have:

Listen zed.z.net:631

and I browse to that location and then to /admin, which I then receive:

Upgrade required

You must access this page using the URL


What am I doing wrong that CUPS now wants to serve via the "192" URL?

CUPS redirects the browser, but I'd like to configure things to "work

Thanks for any help!


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