Error Policy of classes

Wolfgang Dumhs wolfgang.dumhs at
Fri Apr 24 03:03:08 PDT 2009


it seems like the Error Policy of classes is not used at all, but a job which had errors (return code 1 from backend) is always immediately rescheduled to another printer in that class. According to the documentation in
one should be able to change the behavior, but that doesn't seem to work.

I have seen that behavior from Version 1.2.x up to 1.4.2b.

I also looked in the source code and found a hint for that behavior in scheduler/job.c (in finalize_job() where it says: Queued on a class - mark the job as pending and we'll retry on another printer...).

If that is the wished behavior, I am just wondering what the Error Policy field of classes is for? When it is not used I think it should be removed from the documentation and from the Web-Interface.

Or have I missed something?


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