printer IP-based restriction

Jeremy Dreese jdreese at
Fri Aug 27 07:42:32 PDT 2004

We have cups clients setup to poll a cups server for their list of printers.  We'd like to restrict certain printers to certain subnets.  We've done so like this:

<Location /printers/printername>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From 192.168.1.

(NOTE: the IP address is just an example)

However, while this does in fact prevent clients outside of 192.168.1.x from printing, they can still see the specified printer in their list of printers (lpstat -a).  In addition, if you submit a job to the printer, you don't even get an error; it just denies the job.

Is there a way to setup a printer such that certain subnets don't even *see* the particular printer?  If not, is the above behavior a bug?

Thanks in advance.

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