CUPS web interface

pipitas k1pfeifle at
Thu Oct 28 11:37:55 PDT 2004

Neil <neil at wrote:

>> > In trying to use the CUPS web interface from a remote machine I can get
>> >  to work but with no icons.
>> >  comes up with "page cannot be found".


>> Could it be that you have a wrong "DocumentRoot" statement
>> in your cupsd.conf?
> Yes it could, the Directory specified in the cupsd.conf dosen't exist.
> could you give me the name of a file I can search for so I can updade the
> conf file?

I don't know from the back of my head where SUSE-9.1 would store these.
You could look for "/usr/share/doc/cups/" and for "/usr/share/cups/doc/",
maybe even "/usr/share/doc/packages/cups/".

One of these should contain documents such as "sum.html" and "sum.pdf"
and more. "DocumentRoot" in cupsd.conf should point to that one.


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