Adding printers remotely from the command line

pipitas k1pfeifle at
Thu Sep 16 09:44:31 PDT 2004

John E. Vincent wrote:

> I've attempted to use lpadmin from a remote host but it doesn't seem to
> work properly (i.e. lpadmin -h prodcups01 -p ColorPrinter -E -v
> socket:// -P
> /usr/share/ppd/HP/HP-LaserJet_4300-Postscript.ppd.gz -L ColorPrinter -D
> "HP LaserJet 4300").

*What* exactly didnt work?

(I've been using this command frequently to add printers remotely. I never
had a problem, if the remote host was configured to allow the access from
my local IP to its "/admin" location. Is that a given in your case?)

Are you on the same subnet or do you have a gateway or firewall in between?

Are you aware of the fact that the "-P" (path to PPD option is meant to
be a local path on your own workstation) and that this PPD is then pushed
to the remote CUPS server? (I encountered this misunderstanding several


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