Compiling Drivers

Jake Stride nsuk at
Wed Apr 13 03:46:44 PDT 2005

I am having issues compiling the magicolor drivers for the 2430:

galahad:~/magicolor2430DL-1.1.0# make
Linking rastertokmlf...
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcupsimage
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [rastertokmlf] Error 1

Can anyone give me any pointers on this please? The Makefile looks like

CC      =       gcc
CFLAGS  =       $(RC_CFLAGS)  -I. -I../include -L/usr/lib
OPTIM   =       -Wall -fPIC -O2
#OPTIM  =       -g
LDLIBS  =       -lcups -lcupsimage
LDADD   =       /usr/lib/liblcms.a /usr/local/lib/libjbig.a

and I have a copy of the following /usr/lib/

Has anyone got any pointers?



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