Epson LX-300, printing simple text

Anonymous anonymous at
Fri Dec 30 03:52:59 PST 2005

> Hello,
> On Dec 29 11:14 Anonymous wrote (shortened):
> > what i want to know is if cups have a generic/text only driver
> No.
> See for example
> how the default filtering works in CUPS and what you could do
> to solve it with a selfmade "System V style interface script"
> or set up an additional "raw queue" for this printer
> which is used only by the one Windows client, see for example
> what "System V style interface script" and "raw queue" means.
> Kind Regards
> Johannes Meixner
> --
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at
> 90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW:

Can you give something more practical? I mean, i have already seen those websites and i could not solve the problem on my own. What do i have to do?

Because when i try to print with the epson 9-pin driver or 24-pin driver and it printed the page, but the quality were horrible with a lot of distortions. When i try to print with raw queue it print strange things but the quality is the same as when i print on windows.

What i´m thinking to solve this problem is a program that can transform the ps to text in order to allow cups to print with raw queue.

What can i do?

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