[cups.general] mime.types - what am I missing

Helmut Jarausch jarausch at igpm.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Feb 1 09:42:59 PST 2005


since my printer isn't capable of postscript level 3
I want to rewrite files generated by mozilla by using

I have added the following line to /etc/cups/mime.types
application/postscript-pswrite	eps ps string(0,%!PS-Adobe-3.0) + \
                                contains(0.1024,"%%Creator: Mozilla")

and correspondingly in /etc/cups/mime.convs
application/postscript-pswrite	application/postscript	33	PsWrite

and there is a PsWrite filter in the correct directory

But printing a file with should trigger application/postscript-pswrite
the debug log (loglevel debug2) still claims it to be
application/postscript with the corresponding (unmodified)
entry in mime.types
application/postscript		ai eps ps string(0,%!) string(0,<04>%!) \
				contains(0,128,<1B>%-12345X) + \
				(contains(0,1024,"LANGUAGE=POSTSCRIPT") \
				 contains(0,1024,"LANGUAGE = Postscript") \
				 contains(0,1024,"LANGUAGE = PostScript") \
				 contains(0,1024,"LANGUAGE = POSTSCRIPT"))

What am I missing?

Many thanks for a hint,

Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

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