[cups.development] Configuration of ESP Ghostscript

Markus.Grunwald at pruftechnik.com Markus.Grunwald at pruftechnik.com
Tue Jun 7 04:24:05 PDT 2005


> > --with-drivers=PRINTERS,PS,pxlmono,pxlcolor ).
> > 
> The "PS" driver is generally unnecessary unless you plan on
> using the Foomatic wrappers for PostScript printers.

I thought I had read something that "PS"  is needed for the pdf backed.
What about "PRINTERS"  ? Do I need all printer drivers or only pxlmono, 
pclcolor if I use it only for CUPS ?


Markus Grunwald

PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Oskar-Messter-Straße 19-21
85737 Ismaning
Tel: +49 (0)89 99616177
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