Color Banner from tray 1

aukjan at aukjan at
Mon Oct 31 08:33:31 PST 2005


I found the problem, it should have been:

 /ManualFeed false def
 /MediaPosition 0 def

Now it works!

It was defined in the PPD later on:

 *% COMDATA #        'Tray2' => {
 *% COMDATA #          'comment' => 'Tray 2',
 *% COMDATA #          'value' => 'Tray2',
 *% COMDATA #          'idx' => 'ev/906',
 *% COMDATA #          'driverval' => '/ManualFeed false /MediaPosition 0'
 *% COMDATA #        },

But I have to do this for 300 different printers with different PPD files, is there a way to just use:

 %%BeginFeature: InputSlot (Tray2)

So I can have the PPD translation be done for me?? Or is this not possible?

Thanks again!


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