[cups.general] Problem printing pdf document

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Thu Sep 7 02:05:45 PDT 2006


On Sep 6 11:59 Franz Pfoertsch wrote (shortened):
> I try to print a pdf-document with embeded chinese fonts.
> Acrobat Reader showes everything, when I try to printout this document
> the printer stops with a postscript error.

I.e. you use a PostScript printer and the PostScript interpreter
in this printer fails (either because there is a bug in the
printer's PostScript interpreter or - more likely - the PostScript
which is sent to the printer is broken or at least "problematic"
e.g. when PostScript level 3 fonts are sent to a PostScript level 2

Try to print it directly from the Adobe Reader (you can choose
the PostScript level in the Adobe Reader print dialog).

Try to convert it to PostScript using the Adobe Reader.
For example, the command
"acroread -toPostScript -size a4 <file.pdf >file.ps"
can be used to convert a PDF file into a PostScript file
that can be sent directly to a PostScript printer.
The command "acroread -help" shows the command line options.

Try to convert it with Ghostscript to PostScript (preferably
level 2 or even level 1), see for example

Have a look at
regarding "foomatic-rip pre-filter"

Note that when Ghostscript fails to process it, it is very likely
a broken PDF. Use for example "gs -sDEVICE=x11 -r60 file.pdf"
to display it ([Enter] for next page, [Ctrl]+[C] to quit)
and note if there appear Ghostscript error messages.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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