cups flooding access_log

G Zazu CUPS at
Mon Sep 11 12:29:59 PDT 2006

I'm sorry.  I just found an earlier post that addresses mine.  Sorry for the duplicate.


> I think since upgrading cups recently (though I'm not certain that this is when the problem started), I noticed that cups is flooding its access_log with lines such as the following at a rate of about 5000 lines/minute:
> localhost - - [11/Sep/2006:12:15:24 -0600] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 129 CUPS-Get-Printers successful-ok
> As you can imagine, this will (and did) fill up a 2-3 GB filesystem fairly quickly.
> I'm running cups 1.2.3 on Fedora FC5 with a local usb printer configured and working. I'm also using samba 3.0.23a and suspect that my observed cups problem may be caused by interactions with samba (because whenever I stop cups during these log floods, I see an smbd write failure in the system logs). I have tried using both the default cupsd.conf configuration file that is distributed with the latest rpm as well as the previous version that I was successfully using on an earlier FC4 system.
> A recent search turned up the following reported related bug fix for debian:
> Was this debian fix based upon a known problem and fix in the general cups code? I've had to disable cups until I can find a resolution.

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