/var/spool/cups permissions for Quark/Acrobat

Bret Perry bperry at russreid.com
Tue May 1 22:42:09 PDT 2007

In Mac OSX printing to Acrobat from Quark is  broken until Adobe updates their filter.

Many suggest sudo chmod 755 /private/var/spool/cups to "fix" it until reboot.

works, but not a good idea?

can you point me to a FAQ  etc that  illustrates dangers  of messing with cups permissions? or is it ok as a  "temporary" fix on a Mac OSX client?

Quark comments on their dilemma in Quark.com forum PDF: "Using Adobe 7.0 PDF printer" thread. Acrobat 8 has same issue)

Legions of Quarkers should distill ps files instead  of messing with their cups folder for now, right?

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