/var/spool/cups permissions for Quark/Acrobat

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Wed May 2 06:38:43 PDT 2007

Bret Perry wrote:
> In Mac OSX printing to Acrobat from Quark is  broken until Adobe updates their filter.
> Many suggest sudo chmod 755 /private/var/spool/cups to "fix" it until reboot.
> works, but not a good idea?
> can you point me to a FAQ  etc that  illustrates dangers  of messing with cups permissions? or is it ok as a  "temporary" fix on a Mac OSX client?

The main danger is that any process can then read the spooled print
files.  If you are printing sensitive documents, you probably don't
want to open up the permissions...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software          http://www.easysw.com

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