CUPS printing on network printer requiring Kerberos/AD authentication (examples?)

Wouter Van Hemel wouter at
Tue Apr 14 00:41:16 PDT 2009


I've been trying to print from CUPS on Debian Linux to a HP LaserJet 4200 network printer that seems to require AD authentication.

I'm able to get Kerberos tickets either manually (kinit) or by setting up Kerberos authentication via PAM, so that part works fine. (I don't necessarily want to run Kerberos as login method for local Linux logins or CUPS, only get authentication to print on the network printer.)

Kerberos is also enabled in the CUPS configuration file. However while CUPS seems to add information to subscriptions.conf, I also see error messages about missing authentication data and such.

It's entirely possible my rather default cupsd.conf needs some fine-tuning beyond the "DefaultAuthType Negotiate", so if anybody has some working examples of authenticated network printer setups or other pointers, please share.



D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:35 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:37 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:37 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/test.ppd HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:37 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST /printers/test HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/test
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job ???] Request file type is application/postscript.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: username=""
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] add_job: requesting-user-name="vanhemel"
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Adding start banner page "none".
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Adding end banner page "none".
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] File of type application/postscript queued by "vanhemel".
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] hold_until=0
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Queued on "test" by "vanhemel".
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] job-sheets=none,none
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] banner_page = 0
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[0]="test"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[1]="63"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[2]="vanhemel"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[3]="Debian -- News -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[4]="1"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[5]="Resolution=600x1200dpi HPwmTextAngle=Deg45 HPwmFontName=HelveticaB Smoothing=PrinterDefault HPJobName=DocName MediaType=None HPwmTextStyle=Medium HPwmSwitch=Off PageSize=A4 HPJobRetentionOption=HPJobRetentionOff HPEconoMode=PrinterDefault number-up=1 OutputBin=PrinterDefault HPwmFontSize=pt48 Duplex=None HPwmBrightness=Medium InputSlot=Auto noManualFeed HPwmPages=AllPages HPHalftone=PrinterDefault HPwmTextMessage=Draft HPUserName=FileSharingName job-uuid=urn:uuid:289b3f5d-7d0f-3866-5978-a6740f56330e"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00063-001"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root at wode"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[12]="TZ=Europe/Helsinki"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[13]="USER=root"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[18]="LANG=en.UTF8"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/test.ppd"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=socket://"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[23]="PRINTER=test"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-postscript"
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 12701)
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 12704)
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps (PID 12705)
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 12706)
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] pstopdf 6 args: 63 vanhemel Debian -- News -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released 1 Resolution=600x1200dpi HPwmTextAngle=Deg45 HPwmFontName=HelveticaB Smoothing=PrinterDefault HPJobName=DocName MediaType=None HPwmTextStyle=Medium HPwmSwitch=Off PageSize=A4 HPJobRetentionOption=HPJobRetentionOff HPEconoMode=PrinterDefault number-up=1 OutputBin=PrinterDefault HPwmFontSize=pt48 Duplex=None HPwmBrightness=Medium InputSlot=Auto noManualFeed HPwmPages=AllPages HPHalftone=PrinterDefault HPwmTextMessage=Draft HPUserName=FileSharingName job-uuid=urn:uuid:289b3f5d-7d0f-3866-5978-a6740f56330e /var/spool/cups/d00063-001
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/test.ppd
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 9
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Connected to (IPv4)...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=5, use_bc=1, side_cb=0xb7f77fc0)
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Resolution: 600x1200
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] PPD options: -r600x1200
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] PostScript to be injected:
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Error reading back-channel data: Connection reset by peer
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] Running cat | /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false                -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode                -dDoNumCopies -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -r600x1200 - -
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:39 +0300] [Job 63] GPL Ghostscript 8.64: Set UseCIEColor for UseDeviceIndependentColor to work properly.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 12
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] PID 12701 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) exited with no errors.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] LANG = "en.UTF8"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] are supported and installed on your system.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] PID 12704 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Device copies: 1; device collate:
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] pdftops - copying to temp print file "/var/spool/cups/tmp/49e439fc2cd30"
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] **** Warning: File has a corrupted %%EOF marker, or garbage after %%EOF.
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Page = 595x842; 12,12 to 583,830
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%Pages: (atend)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%BoundingBox: (atend)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%HiResBoundingBox: (atend)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 864 (pswrite)
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%CreationDate: 2009/04/14 10:23:40
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%LanguageLevel: 3
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] %%EndComments
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Read 4096 bytes of print data...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] Copying page 1...
I [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] pagew = 571.1, pagel = 817.6
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] PageLeft = 12.0, PageRight = 583.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] PageTop = 829.7, PageBottom = 12.1
D [14/Apr/2009:10:23:40 +0300] [Job 63] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0

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