local printer and client.conf

Ivan Degtyarenko ivan.degtyarenko at aalto.fi
Wed Feb 2 07:48:13 PST 2011

> Hello,
> On Feb 2 01:36 Ivan Degtyarenko wrote (shortened):
> > What I meant by "... one has to separately configure every
> > machine with the local printer connected" is that in addition
> > to locally configured USB, I can't say to CUPS "pick up the
> > rest from the remote server" but I will have to configure
> > all the other network printers around our office by hand
> > specifically for this machine with the local USB printer
> I don't think so.
> Summary:
> Use the default CUPS browsing in your network (i.e. use the
> default cupsd.conf on the clients and let the remote server
> publish its print queues) and on the machines with local
> USB printers you need to set up only the local USB printer.

I have got it. That was my wrong impression about cupsd :(

What we have done on the local machine:

* configuring local USB printer through http://localhost:631/admin

* modified config cupsd.conf

Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow from @LOCAL
BrowseDeny from All
BrowseLocalProtocols none
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
BrowsePoll remote.CUPS.server.IP:631
BrowseInterval 600

The target was to configure a local USB printer and have the rest printers available on the remote print server at once. Also, restrict access to the local cupsd from local machine only. It looks like we reached the target, but is it so? is it enough what we have in the cupsd.conf file or should I add also

<Location />
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from @LOCAL
  Deny from All

to protect the local machine from other print requests?

Another question, what is the best practice for local Linux workstations in general, having a local cupsd with the config shown above, and empty client.conf, or forget about local config and just send everything to a remote print server configured through client.conf? How it is from the performance/accounting point of view?

I've tried both, and did not notice any difference from the client point of view at least.

YT, Ivan

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