Is there a precomplied version for dummies?

paul young paul.young at
Fri Mar 11 03:12:59 PST 2011

Hi All,

I'm very, very new to Unix and need to install (upgrade cups) 1.4.6 from 1.2.7.

I have tried to use the source files downloadable from this site and after 3 days of running the configure script started to post errors onto the forum.

The people here are very good and very quick to answer but it seems the help has dried up a little.

I managed to configure cups in the end but then started getting error after error while running "make check".

It seems that as I bypass one error I walk directly into another, coming from the dummies area of support (Windows) Ive not been in this position before.

Is there a way to download a pre-configured version of cups that I can just hit Install and update my system without any errors?


Now slightly bolding, Paul

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