[cups] intermittent cups

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Mon Nov 4 20:43:18 PST 2019

On Monday 04 November 2019 18:11:30 Tim Mooney wrote:

> In regard to: Re: [cups] intermittent cups, Gene Heskett said (at 
> > - -
> > [02/Nov/2019:11:30:27 -0400] "POST /printers/MFC-J6920DW HTTP/1.1"
> > 200 86493 Print-Job client-error-not-authorized.
> >
> > cups 2.2.10 on the rpi4. How do I fix this error?
> Am I correct in understanding that your client system is using cups
> 2.2.10 and is trying unsuccessfully to submit print jobs to a central
> "print server" that is running cups 1.5.3?
> If that is a correct interpretation of the issue, does the "Old CUPS
> server" section from
>  	https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS/Troubleshooting
No clue, haven't read it yet, and I'm in the shop for a new heart valve 
for about the next 2 or 3 days.

> help?  You basically define the printer *on the clients* using a
> URL with a version=1.1 parameter to force the client to speak the 1.1
> protocol, rather than what it wants to speak by default.
> I remember from previous emails that your server is stuck on an old OS
> because it's critical to your CNC setup.

The server, this machine is a stretch install, but the clients range from 
an rp4b running raspbian 10.1, to 3 intel machines all running the 
latest wheezy.

And in trying to re-install cups, synaptic has managed to get into a 
fix-broken show stopper, which it doesn't name the cause of, and can't 
fix. I'll probably stop at Staples whenever the horsepistol sends me 
home, and do a fresh buster install to a fresh drive.  At that point, 
the above link may be handier than bottled beer.  Thank you.

> What I'm wondering is 
> whether that old OS (I don't remember the distro or version) has any
> kind of software channel or repo that would have an updated version of
> CUPS (possibly with dependencies)?  I'm certain it won't have CUPS
> 2.2.x or later, but even if it has CUPS 1.7.x, that would be new
> enough to get better protocol support.
> Replacing a package (or a few inter-related packages) on a very old
> OS with newer versions can be difficult, but as long as you're forced
> to keep other parts of the OS so far out of date, getting an updated
> CUPS version on your server may ease some of the issues you're running
> into with much newer clients.
The lcnc guys are making progress, its now based on a much newer stretch. 
Buster in the wings. I already have debs made that run on the armhf 
version of buster 10.1.  I just need to get off my duff and do it.  At 
85, the giddyup isn't always that easy to find when the ticker is 
running at < 30% efficiency. Thats what this trip to the cath-lab is 
supposed to fix.
> Tim

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