[cups] intermittent cups

Tim Mooney Tim.Mooney at ndsu.edu
Mon Nov 4 15:11:30 PST 2019

In regard to: Re: [cups] intermittent cups, Gene Heskett said (at 12:41pm...:

> - -
> [02/Nov/2019:11:30:27 -0400] "POST /printers/MFC-J6920DW HTTP/1.1" 200
> 86493 Print-Job client-error-not-authorized.
> cups 2.2.10 on the rpi4. How do I fix this error?

Am I correct in understanding that your client system is using cups 2.2.10
and is trying unsuccessfully to submit print jobs to a central "print
server" that is running cups 1.5.3?

If that is a correct interpretation of the issue, does the "Old CUPS
server" section from


help?  You basically define the printer *on the clients* using a
URL with a version=1.1 parameter to force the client to speak the 1.1
protocol, rather than what it wants to speak by default.

I remember from previous emails that your server is stuck on an old OS
because it's critical to your CNC setup.  What I'm wondering is whether
that old OS (I don't remember the distro or version) has any kind of
software channel or repo that would have an updated version of CUPS
(possibly with dependencies)?  I'm certain it won't have CUPS 2.2.x or
later, but even if it has CUPS 1.7.x, that would be new enough to get
better protocol support.

Replacing a package (or a few inter-related packages) on a very old
OS with newer versions can be difficult, but as long as you're forced
to keep other parts of the OS so far out of date, getting an updated
CUPS version on your server may ease some of the issues you're running
into with much newer clients.

Tim Mooney                                             Tim.Mooney at ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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