[cups] Complex structures and how to fix it

Ralf catalysm at gmx.de
Tue May 26 00:50:55 PDT 2020

I want to build following structure with CUPS 1.6.3 (RHEL7, fixed to it,
don't ask):

|Clients ----------> Master ----------> Print -------------> Printers
(on IIS/IPP1.0)
The printservers (currently 2) have all printers defined.
At the moment the masterserver has a haproxy to spread prints via
round-robin to the printservers. But that kind of setup (not my idea!)
is a, uhm, let's say, horrible try-and-error activation of disabled queues
I'm looking for a way to setup the masterserver to hold classes and
remove the proxy
CUPS implement classes, but the only solution I found:
-> Create all printers on the masterserver, pointing to corresponding
printserver queues
-> Create classes to group those queues and implement CUPS classes

But this is ugly, becaue we do have ~500 printers on each printserver
and our automation tool is ansible... 1.500 queues with ansible...it
took about half an hour and we have recent updates (~2-3 a month)...
Is there any other solution? My suggestion would be: Masterserver detecs
all printers on all printservers und creates classes on his own.

Cheers, Ralf

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