[SUGGESTION] switching trays in printjob

Philipp Morger morger at olmero.ch
Mon Sep 10 02:11:28 PDT 2007

Hi Kurt

>  (1) go visit http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDEPrint/Tools%2BUtilities
>      and fetch one or both of the CUPS backend scripts "2file" and "2dir".
>  (2) install a virtual printer using your PPD and one of the backend
>      scripts so you can "print to file" with them.
>  (3) in cupsd.conf, insert "PreserveJobFiles" and restart cupsd.
>  (3) print to the new printer.
> Now you'll have 2 files on disk:
>  (a) the file as was handed to CUPS by OOo in /var/spool/cups/d000NN
>  (b) the file as it was changed by the CUPS filtering chain, according
>      to your overall print settings.
> Now you can look at the differences of the two files, using
>   sdiff -sbB file1 file2
> You'll probably notice that CUPS does insert non-empty PostScript code
> to address the tray selection, while OOo does a fake job on it.
> If that is confirmed, submit a bug report with the OOo folks.

I fear, I don't understand too much about postscript interna, I saw that there is some significant difference, but wasn't able to tell what it is and this don't dare to file a bugreport.

I took the liberty to mail you the generated files at your kde.org address - I didn't posted them here as two files are binary, and it would seriously bloat the forum... and might linebreak stuff anyway...

The Prinouts are from Linux/OO via CUPS and Windows/O2K via Samba/CUPS

TIA and regards

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