[cups] Tea4Cups question

serando serando at sunrise.ch
Mon May 10 06:52:02 PDT 2021

Hello Helge

Thank you very much for your answer. I was successful with "the full 
absolute path":

prehook_2 : lp -d ENVY-5540-series /home/user/loschcups.txt
and also with
prehook_2 : su $TEAUSERNAME -c "lp -d ENVY-5540-series 

But I run into another issue now:
When I print my loschcups.txt (see attachment) directly with my normal 
HPLIP printer, I get an other print result, than when I print the same 
file with my virtual Tea4Cups printer.

I have first print with my normal HPLIP printer, after I have put the 
same sheet of paper in the printer again. Now I have printed with the 
Tea4Cups printer.
So I have both prints on the same paper. This way we can see the 
difference. (see attachment Tea4cups.pdf).

As you can see: The position of the character "8" was printed on 
different positions on the paper. The print I have made with the 
tea4cups printer is at the top left corner. Only the half of the 
character "8" is visible. The other character "8" which is well visible 
is from the HPLIP print.

This is the entry I had in the file Tea4cups.conf for this experiment:
prehook_2 : su $TEAUSERNAME -c "lp -d ENVY-5540-series 

How did I print?
The print with HPLIP I made this way:
Opened the loschcups.txt (This automatically opens featherpad)
Featherpad (this is my editor) ->File->print->chosen my HPLIP printer 
->pressed "print" button

The print with Tea4cups I made this way:
Opened Featherpad. So I had a new empty page.
Featherpad (This is my editor) ->File->print->chosen my Tea4cups printer 
->pressed "print" button

Why are this two prints different?
Please note: The properties of my virtual Tea4cups printer and my HPLIP 
printer are the same.

Thank you.

Am 09.05.21 um 16:31 schrieb Helge Blischke:
>  From your öogfile I see that all components function as expscted.
> The failure is due to the fact that the lp command as specified
> in your precook_2 cannot find the file loschcups.txt.
> You need either specify the full absolute path of that file in your
> prehook_2 statement
> or encapsulate the lp command by
> su $TEAUSERNAME -c „…“
> where the … stand for you lp command.
> Helge

-------------- next part --------------


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